Lincoln Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Pedestrian accidents in Lincoln, Nebraska, are far too common, bringing along tragic consequences — catastrophic physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens. These incidences are often the result of negligence or wrongful actions, leading to an immediate and life-altering impact on victims.

As a pedestrian, you are in a vulnerable position on the road, often unprotected against the force and weight of motor vehicles. Despite safety protocols, accidents do occur, causing severe physical damage like fractures, internal injuries, and even traumatic brain injuries. Beyond the physical harm, these accidents can also lead to significant emotional distress and strain, with victims facing the daunting task of recovery, hospital visits, and coping with the trauma.

Extensive medical bills, therapy costs, and the challenge of lost wages can put you in a difficult place. You should not have to bear these burdens when the accident was not your fault. It's crucial in such times to claim your rightful compensation; for that, you need a competent Lincoln pedestrian accident attorney. 

The proficient team of personal injury lawyers at Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers works vigorously to ensure your rights are upheld, your needs are addressed, and deserving compensation is obtained. 

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Why Choose Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers for Your Lincoln Pedestrian Accident Case

person helping up pedestrian after accident with a vehicle

Choosing the right legal representation is paramount to the successful resolution of your pedestrian accident case. Here's why Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers sets the standard for the representation you need:

No Upfront Costs 

At Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers, we understand that unexpected financial burdens following an accident can be overwhelming. Hence, we work on a contingency fee basis – you pay us only if we win your case.

Personal Case Managers

We provide each client with a dedicated case manager to ensure personalized assistance throughout the legal process. This means you always have an informed point of contact who knows the specifics of your case and legal requirements.

Flexible Consultations

We are committed to making legal consultation as easy and accessible as possible. We use multiple communication platforms, including Zoom, phone calls, emails, and traditional mail, to deliver legal advice at your convenience.

Extensive Experience

Our legal team brings a wealth of experience in personal injury law with special emphasis on pedestrian accident cases. From handling intricate legal proceedings to negotiating with unyielding insurance companies, we are well-armed to seek the best outcome for your case.

The strength of our dedication lies in the testimony of our clients. With hundreds of five-star reviews, we take great pride in our commitment to client satisfaction, an embodiment of our legal acumen and undying dedication.

When you choose Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers, you're securing a dedicated partner in your fight for justice. Our mission is to ensure you secure the compensation you rightly deserve, allowing you to focus on healing while we handle the legal complexities.

The Risks of Pedestrian Accidents in Lincoln, Nebraska

Pedestrian accidents commonly occur throughout Lincoln and the broader region of Nebraska, with grievous consequences for all involved parties. These accidents are typically characterized by harmful collisions between pedestrians and motor vehicles, though bicycles, motorcycles, and even structures might sometimes be involved.

During a four-year period, there were 1,349 crashes involving pedestrians and cyclists in Lincoln. According to recent data, over 84% of these accidents result in serious injury. 

Numerous factors contribute to pedestrian accidents. Driver negligence, such as distracted driving, speeding, or failing to yield the right of way to pedestrians, is often a significant cause. Other contributory elements may include poor roadway design, inadequate lighting, or insufficient pedestrian crosswalks and paths.

The effects of these accidents are often calamitous, particularly for the pedestrian. Unlike drivers or passengers in a vehicle, pedestrians lack any protective barrier against the collision's impact. As a result, they might suffer severe injuries, including but not limited to broken bones, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and, tragically, sometimes wrongful death.

You do not need to face these challenges alone. Help from an experienced pedestrian accident attorney can ease the process of claiming compensation that can help offset some of the disaster's adverse effects. Comprehensive legal guidance, such as that offered by Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers, is a crucial asset at such times, providing professional assistance towards securing rightful compensation.

Financial Compensation after a Pedestrian Accident in Lincoln

After a pedestrian accident, evaluating the extent of your damages is critical to determine the compensation you may deserve.

These may be economic damages, which include but are not limited to:

  • Medical bills
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Lost wages and income
  • Other explicit financial losses related to the accident
  • Pain, suffering, and emotional trauma 

Often, insurance companies will offer an initial lowball offer to quickly close the case. You must consult an experienced attorney to determine how much your claim is worth. A Lincoln pedestrian accident lawyer can advocate for you and negotiate a fair amount that adequately covers your damages. 

Understanding and calculating rightful compensation can be complex and challenging. However, with careful legal guidance from the committed team at Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers, we'll see to it that you receive the compensation you rightfully deserve. 

How Can a Lincoln Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Help?

After a pedestrian accident, navigating through legal steps while dealing with the emotional and physical aftermath is taxing. Having a dedicated pedestrian accident lawyer by your side is invaluable. Here's how the lawyers of Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers assist you in the journey towards justice:

Claim Assessment and Investigation

We begin by assessing your case and helping determine the best course of action. This involves identifying the at-fault party, understanding the extent of your damages, and estimating a fair compensation amount. We conduct thorough investigations, gather essential evidence, and establish the negligent party's fault to substantiate your claim.

We provide clear, understandable, and pertinent advice. We guide you through each step of the process, keeping you well-informed and helping you make the right decisions.

Negotiating Settlements and Representing Your Best Interests

We engage in tough negotiations with the insurance companies. Our objective is to achieve a fair settlement that offers adequate compensation for your injuries and other damages. If necessary, we will take your case to court. Prepared to fight for your rights in a trial, we present convincing arguments and evidence to support your claim for appropriate compensation.

At Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers, we ease the burden of legal proceedings, allowing you to focus on recovery. You can rest assured knowing that we're relentlessly advocating for your interests, striving to secure justice in your case.

Attaining Fair Compensation in Pedestrian Accident Cases

Navigating the aftermath of a pedestrian accident can be daunting. Amidst the emotional and physical turmoil experienced post-accident, it’s critical aspect to assess the damages you've suffered and the compensation that is rightfully yours. 

Economic Damages

These are tangible losses with a direct financial implication. They include but are not limited to:

  • Medical and rehabilitation expenses
  • Lost income or wages from time off of work
  • Property damage, if any

Non-Economic Damages

These damages account for subjective, non-monetary losses such as:

  • Pain and suffering 
  • Loss of life's enjoyment due to injuries
  • Emotional trauma resulting from the accident

Fair compensation reflects the gravity of the injuries and the scope of damages you've experienced. Factors such as the severity of your injuries, the duration of recovery, and any permanent disability are instrumental in calculating rightful compensation.

Often, insurance entities propose initial settlement offers that are lower than your case's potential value. It is advisable to hold off on accepting these offers without first discussing them with a lawyer. An attorney has the experience and knowledge to assess the value of your claim accurately and negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

Catastrophic Injuries from Pedestrian Accidents

If the accident inflicted severe injuries requiring long-term medical care or leading to a permanent decrease in your earning capacity, these future losses should be incorporated into your compensation claim.

The process of delineating damages and asserting rightful compensation following a pedestrian accident can be intricate and lengthy. However, with Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers, you have an experienced team to untangle these complexities. We make it our priority to assist you through each step, assuring you of rightful compensation.

Common Injuries in Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents can, unfortunately, lead to a wide variety of serious injuries, the severity of which is often greater than those sustained by the occupants of the vehicle involved. Some of the most common injury types include:

Traumatic Brain Injuries: These injuries range from concussions to severe brain trauma. The extreme force of a vehicle collision can result in the pedestrian's head striking the vehicle or roadway, which could lead to traumatic brain injury. 

Fractures: The immense force caused by a pedestrian accident can result in numerous broken bones. This could involve various parts of the body, most commonly the legs, arms, and ribs, requiring immediate medical intervention and even surgery.

Lacerations and Abrasions: Pedestrian accidents often result in external bodily injuries ranging from minor scratches to severe lacerations. These may require immediate wound care or surgical treatment, such as stitches. Additionally, these injuries can result in permanent scarring. 

Spinal Cord Injuries: Accidents of this nature can cause severe damage to the spinal cord, which can be life-altering. Depending on the point of impact and the severity of the collision, victims may experience reduced mobility or, in some cases, complete paralysis.

Prompt medical attention following a pedestrian accident cannot be overstated, as some injuries may not immediately show apparent symptoms. Early detection and treatment greatly enhance recovery prospects and provide critical documentation if you pursue a pedestrian accident claim. 

Who Pays for Pedestrian Accident Injuries?

If you've been involved in a pedestrian accident in Lincoln, you may be asking yourself who is responsible for covering your medical costs and other damages. The answer is best determined by a pedestrian accident lawyer, who will thoroughly pursue all avenues of compensation. However, in general, compensation may come from a few different sources. 

  • At-Fault Driver's Insurance: If the driver of the vehicle involved in the accident is determined to be at fault, the other driver’s auto insurance is usually responsible for your costs related to the accident. This includes medical expenses, lost wages, and other forms of compensation. This is in line with Nebraska's "at-fault" or "tort" system in car insurance.
  • Your Insurance: In some cases, your own insurance policies, such as health insurance or uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, might provide compensation for accident-related expenses.
  • Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit: If the compensation amount offered by the insurance company falls short of covering your expenses and damages, you may choose to file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault driver to recover the remaining amount.

Navigating who pays for what in pedestrian accident cases can be a bit complicated. Having a dedicated pedestrian accident lawyer from Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers can simplify this process. We work diligently to ascertain the responsible parties, negotiate with insurance companies, and if required, represent your best interest in a lawsuit to ensure that your injuries and losses are thoroughly accounted for and compensated.

Contact Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers About Your Pedestrian Accident Case

William V. Steffens
Lincoln Pedestrian Accident Lawyer, William V. Steffens

From determining fault to negotiating with insurance companies and representing you in court, if necessary, our team stands prepared to assist you each step of the way. We are not afraid of complex negotiations and will be determined in our commitment to achieving the compensation you deserve.
Remember, you don't have to face the aftermath of a pedestrian accident alone. With Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers on your side, justice is within reach. Reach out to our Lincoln personal injury lawyers at (402) 414-4898 and start your recovery journey today with a free consultation. At Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers, we believe you deserve no less than the best representation available.