Cost to Hire a Nebraska Personal Injury Attorney

July 31, 2019 | By Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers
Cost to Hire a Nebraska Personal Injury Attorney

Nebraska personal injury attorney costThis is just about the most common question we get when we talk to perspective clients: "how much will it cost to hire a personal injury attorney?" The good news is, generally, there is no fee for talking to a personal injury attorney about your claim. The initial consultations are typically free and provide a way for you to learn more about your case while the attorney determines if he or she can be of assistance. After the initial, free consultation, if the attorney is willing to take on your case, it's taken on a contingency fee basis.

What is a Contingency Fee Arrangement?

Usually, in personal injury cases, once an attorney makes a commitment to represent you and/or your family, you are only charged a fee IF the attorney successfully obtains a recovery for you.  This fee is calculated as a percentage of the recovery. This is referred to as a contingency fee agreement.

In Nebraska, this percentage is typically one-third, or 40% if the case must be placed on file with a court. Expenses necessary for pursuing an injury claim may be advanced by the personal injury attorney. 

If your Nebraska personal injury attorney is successful in obtaining a recovery for you, these costs are then reimbursed to the attorney from your portion of the distribution. If nothing is recovered on your behalf, you will generally not owe the attorney any fees or any case expenses, depending on your circumstances. However, this may vary from one attorney/client contract to another.

Refer to Your Contract

Nebraska law requires a written contract between an attorney and their client in a contingent fee personal injury case. This protects the interests of both parties. 

If you have questions about how service fees at Steffens Law are calculated, please call our office for assistance.

Contact Our Nebraska Personal Injury Attorney Today!

If you or a loved one have been hurt and feel that another party can be held liable for you injuries, contact our firm online or call (308) 872-9327 to schedule your free consult with our Nebraska personal injury attorney.