Is A Chapter 13 Discharge Your Best Option? Our Nebraska Bankruptcy Attorney Can Help You Decide!

Have you had enough of fighting off debt collectors and scraping to get by? Are you ready to get your finances back in order so that you can move on with your life? Declaring bankruptcy may be the solution you have been looking for. While it’s not an easy out, it can be the first step towards regaining control of your life. The bankruptcy team at Steffens Law Office is ready to help you take that first step.

People at a higher income level will have to file Chapter 13 bankruptcy and will have to make payments to creditors as ordered by the bankruptcy court.

If the household income is greater than the median household income in the state of Nebraska, the debtor will have to file Chapter 13. Under Chapter 13 bankruptcy, individuals and creditors agree to a court-imposed plan that requires some or all debts to be repaid over five years, with an appointed trustee assigned to monitor the repayment process.

Schedule a Consultation with Steffens Law Office

If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, the experienced legal team at Steffens Law Office can help you evaluate your options and determine if a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the best way to proceed. Call today to schedule a free, no-obligation initial consultation.