Personal Injury Attorneys Serving All of Nebraska

When someone suffers an injury in an accident that was not their fault, they often struggle to get the help they need. Insurance companies, medical billing clerks—even police officers and doctors—are not nearly as helpful as you might expect them to be. If you find yourself in this situation after a vehicle crash, dog bite, or workplace accident, you need someone in your corner. The personal injury attorneys at Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers will take over communication with all of these unhelpful people so that you can focus on getting your life back to what it was before the accident. The best part is that you won’t have to pay any fees upfront.

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No Fees Until We Win Your Personal Injury Lawsuit

Usually, in injury lawsuits, once a personal injury lawyer makes a commitment to represent you and/or your family, you are only charged a fee if the attorney successfully obtains a recovery for you. This fee is calculated as a percentage of the recovery and is referred to as a contingency fee agreement.

In Nebraska, this percentage is typically one-third, or 40% if the case must be placed on file with a court. Expenses necessary for pursuing an injury claim may be advanced by the attorney.

If our personal injury attorneys are successful in obtaining a recovery for you, these costs are then reimbursed to the injury lawyer from your portion of the distribution. If nothing is recovered on your behalf, you will generally not owe the attorney any fees or any case expenses, depending on your circumstances. However, this may vary from one attorney/client contract to another.

Our Injury Lawyer Helps All Kinds of Accident Victims

Almost any serious injury that is caused by another person’s negligence can be pursued as an injury lawsuit. At Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers, our personal injury attorneys have helped people injured in a variety of ways.

We Focus on Serious Personal Injury

If you required emergency medical care, surgery, follow-up therapy, or other high-level care following your accident, it will be well worth it to hire an attorney who understands serious injuries. Our personal injury attorneys have helped injury victims get the compensation they needed when they have suffered a traumatic brain injury, spinal cord damage and paralysis, severe internal injuries, compound fractures and amputations, and much more. Our personal injury lawyer develops relationships with his clients and checks in with them after every doctor appointment. As we fight to get you the compensation you need and deserve, we also help you on your medical journey.

Reach Out to Our Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys to Learn More

Even if you’re not sure you even need an attorney following an accident injury, it’s worth your time to meet with our personal injury attorneys for a free consultation. We will evaluate your claim and let you know if we can help and if so, what we will do to increase the value of your claim. If you were seriously injured because of another person’s negligence, contact the personal injury attorneys at Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers as soon as possible. We are here to help you.